Carla Vicente

Content producer based in Amsterdam. Work experience: journalist, radio producer, communications manager, and social media coordinator.

Lost in Media - The Displacement of Migrant Voices —

THE DISPLACEMENT OF MIGRANT VOICES IN EUROPEAN MEDIA First topic: the complexity of the terms ‘migrant’, ‘refugee’, ‘economic migrant’ ‘asylum seeker’ and so forth. According to Trilling, these words “have become rather politicised. It’s important to get the terms right”. The journalist talked about a shift during the ‘migrant crisis’: “before 2015, the word migrant was not quite used”. The dominant words would be ‘immigrant’ or ‘expat’ for people who crossed the border to another country. ‘Mig

How to Become an INCLEADER: let’s sit down and talk about inclusion, citizens! —

Some lessons and food for thought The meeting kicked off with a short introduction by Ahmed Larouz, INCLEADERS co-founder and author of 180 Amsterdammers. Raumesh Akbari was next. The Tennessee General Assembly’s state representative talked about the importance of activism and even highlighted the positive side of Donald Trump’s election. “Sometimes a disruptive situation is necessary to move forward. It potentially changes the dynamics of the political system, as people are encouraged to react

Celebrating Nelson Mandela at a Secret Sunrise —

But what is a Secret Sunrise (or Sunset) after all? Before describing what Jamill calls “an energetic and joyful workout, where people can connect with one another and experience how it is to be a child again”, let’s revisit how this all began. In Jamill’s words, Secret Sunrise started as a project in South Africa. Two friends from Cape Town, who already ran No Danger Diaries, felt they could take a step further to connect people in their city. Since dance is a universal language, they came up

We Have a Dream - Hope, Inspiration, and Dreams on Exhibition in the Heart of Amsterdam (Video) —

After last year’s success of 90 Years Miss Monroe. Reflecting on a Female Icon, We Have a Dream is the second biographical exhibition staged in De Nieuwe Kerk. “We started working on biographical exhibitions two years ago. Marilyn Monroe was the first, and now we picked these three icons. We chose a topic that is more socially-related, but still has a biographical side to it,” said Martijn van Schieveen, De Nieuwe Kerk’s PR Manager. There is another difference. Contrary to Monroe’s, We Have a D